Oled oodatud kogu oma perega suveseminarile 04.08-07.08.2025 Varbla Puhkekülasse. Täpne ajakava on planeerimisel.
Annual membership fee €4 (general meeting decision April 2019)
Only those who have paid the membership fee can participate!
Täiskasvanud – 20€*
Lapsed – 6€*
Lapsed kuni 3 (k.a) aastat tasuta
Osaleda võib terve pere!
* – Üldkoosoleku otsus 2024 august
Registreerimiseks teha ülekanne:
Estonian Haemophilia Society
SEB pank: EE691010152001611006
Be sure to indicate in the explanation the names, ages of the participants and for whom the membership fee has been paid. Please let us know that you and your family are coming via e-mail ehy@hemofiilia.ee
Registreerumine lõppeb 28.07.2025!
Participation in seminars is mandatory!