YEAR 2003

One of the goals of the Estonian Hemophilia Society's activities was to share knowledge about the disease, its treatment options, and the drugs used in replacement therapy. Presentations and discussions took place at meetings and summer camp organized by the hemophilia society. In order to inform the general public about the peculiarity of hemophilia, 2 articles were published in Terviseleh and information booklets "Eesti Hemofiliaühing" and "Von Willebrand's disease" were printed. The website of the Estonian Hemophilia Association is constantly updated with new information about the association and the disease.

The goal of the hemophilia association's activities is to mediate and help patients cope with everyday life. At the summer camp, a workshop was organized to explain the problems of hemophilia patients and the possibility of finding solutions to them with the help of the association. Workshops for hemophiliac family members and Russian-speaking families tried to find out their specific problems.

The association actively communicates with hemophilia associations in other European countries and around the world. Representatives of the Estonian Hemophilia Society participated in the conference on the safety of plasma products organized by the World Federation of Hemophilia, the conference of the European Hemophilia Consortium in Lisse, Holland, and the seminar of young hemophiliacs in the Nordic countries in Helsinki to discuss the situation of hemophiliacs around the world and the role of associations in improving it. at the training seminar of the organization for rare diseases (EURORDIS), a similar structure would be created in Estonia as well.

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