YEAR 2010

A meeting of the Hemophilia Society was held in Tallink Spa and Conference Hotel in Tallinn on 17.04.2010. The meeting marked World Hemophilia Day. 21 members of the association participated. There was a lecture on completing the rehabilitation plan and applying for disability. The lecture was given by a representative of the Ministry of Social Affairs. At the meeting, current issues of the association were discussed and the annual report for 2009 was adopted. The 2010 action plan was also discussed.

In cooperation with the PR company KPMS, a press release appeared on several websites with the aim of informing the public about hemophilia (e.g.;; Medical news; Teachers page).
The event was supported by EPIFond and the pharmaceutical company Baxter.

Hiking camp was held 11-13.06.2010 in Leemet forest house in Hiiumaa. The sights of Hiiumaa were introduced, those who wished could go hiking and fishing, there was a sauna and barbecue in the evenings. 13 people participated (association members with family members).
The event was supported by EPIFond.

Paid membership fees to the European Hemophilia Consortium and the World Federation of Hemophilia. The activity was supported by EPIFond.

The Summer Seminar 2010 took place in Võru-Kubija Looduspaa hotel 02.08.-05.08.2010. 44 people participated - 29 adults and 15 children. In the course of the seminar, lectures, discussion groups were held for boys with hemophilia and mothers of children with hemophilia, and on 03.08.10 the general meeting of the association was held. During the seminar, you could familiarize yourself with the local attractions and the procedures offered by Looduspaa. It was possible to learn to self-administer medicine by injection. There was a lecture on the possibility of orthopedics for hemophiliacs. The lecture was held by Dr. Märtson from Tartu. There was a lecture on the possibilities of family tree research on the Internet. During the seminar, the general meeting of the Estonian Hemophilia Association was also held, where current issues of the association were discussed and the 2011 action plan was planned. There was an overview of what happened at the Congress of the World Hemophilia Federation. Information about hemophilia research and treatment in other parts of the world was shared.
The event was supported by EPIFond and the pharmaceutical company Baxter and Octapharma.

Participation in the Congress of the World Hemophilia Federation took place in Buenos Aires 10.- 14.07.2010. 1 person participated, the participation was supported by Octapharma. The summary of the congress took place at the meeting held during the summer seminar.

Injection learning training days were held in Tallinn (04.12.2010) and Tartu (20.11.2010). 15 people participated in Tartu and 48 people in Tallinn. Pictures of the event are on the website At the event, there was a lecture on the necessity of prophylactic treatment for hemophiliacs and especially children. It was possible to learn the injection at the hands of the Mulaaz. The events were supported by the companies Baxter and Oktapharma.

A meeting was held in Riga (16.11.2010), in which representatives of hemophilia societies of the Baltic countries and representatives of the fund for hemophilia patients founded by the pharmaceutical company Novo Seven participated. The possibilities of implementing a rehabilitation project aimed at young hemophiliacs in 2011 were discussed. The activity was supported by EPIFond.

Participation in the training day for rehabilitation doctors organized by the Ministry of Social Affairs took place in Tallinn on 05.11.2010. During the participation, a lecture was given about the special features of hemophiliacs.

The website of the Hemophilia Association was updated and improved. Connection of the website to the social portals Twitter and Facebook. The improvement of the website will continue in the first quarter of 2011. The updating of the website was supported by Octapharma.

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